Pakistani Militant Group Says U-S Raid Kills 85 Fighters - 2001-11-08

A Pakistani militant group fighting with Afghanistan's ruling Taleban says 85 of its fighters have been killed in a U-S bombing raid in northern Afghanistan.

Spokesmen for the Harkat-Jihad-e-Islami group says the 85 died today (Thursday) when U-S planes bombed an area in the Dara-i-Souf valley. The valley is located south of Mazar-e-Sharif, site of heavy fighting between the Taleban and the opposition Northern Alliance.

There has been no independent confirmation of the group's claim.

If true, the attack would mark the second time U-S bombing has killed a large number of Pakistani militants inside Afghanistan. Last month, an air raid on Kabul killed 35 members of another group, Harakat ul-Mujahedin.